3D - Models
For now the next few models will be static renders, but hopefully over time I will transition them over to embedded SketchFab images so they can be intereacted with, without the need to go outside of this page if not required... Wish me luck

Early Experiments
I discovered 3D modelling in 1998 and taught myself how to use 3D Studio (the DOS one, before it was called 3Ds Max). The first thing I decided to make were sci-fi environments that helped me visualise some things for my comic drawings. They look simple now, but it's interesting that I was experiemting with reflections, fog, depth of field and height-maps in a pre-youtube tutorial era.

First Game Mesh
This was the first thing I modelled when starting in the games industry. I learned more in my first week here (Codemasters) than I had the whole year prior. This Opel Astra was one of the DTM cars, made for "Pro Race Driver" game (2000).