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Schiit Modi & Magni - Review


The Modi & Magni are the newest models from the increasingly popular, North American based Schiit Audio. The naughtily named maker of DAC and headphone amplifier separates now have an official UK distributor with Electromod, who sold me the combo. Electromod started selling high-end audio products like this in 2011 (Hifiman & Stax were first), but for the past decade they've been servicing audio equipment (like Mark Levinson) under the name Highend Workshop

This combo of DAC and headphone amplifier aim to deliver high quality audio on a very tight budget (comparatively of course). In the US they're priced at $99 a piece, but here in the UK they are not quite as cheap, and there are a couple of good reasons for that. Apart from saving you from high postage costs, risk of damage, VAT, duty & handling charges, weeks stuck in customs etc. The main thing you get by buying from Electromod is an actual UK power supply - the supplied adapter in the US does not support European voltages. Last but not least - If anything does go wrong, you'll be able to fall back on exemplary servicing expertise, right here in the UK. Take it from me; if you were to send something back to the US for repairs, not only would it cost a lot and be risky to ship, but avoiding a second customs fee is troublesome. I seem to be droning on a bit here, so let me clarify that I'm not obliged to say any of this for Electromod's sake, I'm saying this purely for your benefit. If my experience dealing with overseas hifi companies has taught me anything, it's to appreciate the simplicity and security of buying direct from a UK seller. On face value, it might seem cheaper to buy direct, but in reality it's a false economy. Electromod also offer the ability to try out the Schiit range in the comfort of your own home for £20. As much as I try to help people find what they want by writing reviews, I can't stress enough how great this kind of service is!

Right, time for some techy stuff - The Modi is an asynchronous USB (only) DAC, with an AKM4396 chip. Its driverless connection is capable of converting a digital signal up to 24bit 96Khz (also supports the tricky 88.2Khz) and is powered by the 5v USB bus. The Modi is compatible with Windows or MAC, but Linux support is poor, so please be careful if you use a Linux based OS. The Magni is a dedicated Class AB headphone amplifier, powered by a 16v adapter, which drives a high power output of 1.2w at 32 Ohms. It's said to cope with even demanding orthodynamic headphones like the Hifiman HE-6 (which I'm sorry to say I don't have here). These are two very well specified machines for a relatively bargain price, so let's see how they deal with a variety of headphones...


The sound of the Modi and Magni combination is very impressive considering their modest size and price! There's a great body to the low frequencies whilst maintaining a generally balanced tonality that manages to squeeze the best out of many good headphones. I especially enjoyed the combo with larger, more open sounding headphones. I keep taking the Sennheiser HD650 to the Schiit combo, over some considerably more expensive DAC/amp combos. The Schiit combo may not be able to match the technicalities of some more expensive units, but the tonality is just so musical and spacious, I can't fault them for the price.

The 600 Ohm Beyerdynamic DT880 was driven by the Magni's power with ease. The 32 Ohm limited Edition DT770 sounded a little flat in it's imaging at first, but this was most likely due to me listening to a bunch of higher priced, open back classics. Fortunately, after a few tracks they started to really loosen up, and I found the Modi / Magni / DT770 combo highly enjoyable. They produced a huge and deep bass kick at the same time as getting a lively midrange that didn't feel overly bright. 

I'd become increasingly unimpressed by the AKG Q701 recently due to a lack of bass body on many combined amps, but unusually I appreciated them even more than the Beyerdynamic DT880s through the Modi & Magni. The amplification of the Magni does great things with the AKG's bass as well as its detail. They still sound rather harsh in the high frequencies, but even this was easier on the ears with the Magni, compared to cheaper solid state amps. 

The AKG's greater than usual warmth made me wonder if the Magni is adding more than a healthy amount of bass body to the presentation in general, so I decided to test this by trying the Denon AH-D7000 - with their speaker like sub-bass qualities. This would have shown if the Magni was bloating the bass frequencies at all, but it certainly didn't seem to be the case. The Denons sounded very neutral through the Magni, and mostly it was their spacious and airy qualities that shone through. The bass was still very deep and potent, but nothing that broke with their characteristics.

The Modi & Magni combination doesn't have to be used together, of course, but I would say that they make pretty good partners. There's a nice upgrade path set out within the companies own product range too. If you were to start with the Modi and Magni, the most obvious next move seems to be upgrading to the Magni to the Asgard (next model up). The very capable Modi should make a good partner to this machine too, if not in size, at least in style and sound.

The massive amount of power on tap here and the way it's distributed through the volume dial is slightly better suited to less sensitive headphones. The dial's smooth motion copes fairly well with more sensitive, portable headphones like the Sennheiser Momentum or the Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro Limited Edition, too.


Here are my thoughts on how the Modi & Magni manage to drive a few different headphones with a few different types of music. Most were listened to in lossless format, but all of them are available on Spotify (tested at maximum quality). I used two different desktop PCs and a laptop (all using Windows 7) The software that I used for the lossless files used to be JRiver MC17, but I have gone off it a big lately because of its fiddly, over-complicated interface. I have gone back to using Foobar (now @ version 1.2.3) and then got the latest WASAPI driver (v3.2.1), which now has two modes for better compatibility (event & push). I still can't believe that this software is free!

  • Jimi Hendrix: "All Along The Watchtower" - This classic guitar and powerful vocals is nicely represented on the AKG Q701, although it sounds a little bit light on body the Magni pushes them far better than most similarly priced amps I've heard. 

  • Erik Mongrain:  "Air Tap!" - The Sennheiser HD650 does a superb job at forming a realistic, detailed and speedy presentation of the guitar with the Modi & Magni combo. It's a very spacious and coherent sound with most genres, but most guitar solos sound superb with this combination. 

  • Feed Me, Tasha Baxter: "Cloudburn" - The deep electronic bass and vocals sound awesomely powerful, yet clear and balanced while driving the Mad Dogs. There is a really nice feeling of space and separation here. These headphones really shine with a little push of the Magni's power. 

  • Clint Mansell (Moon): "Welcome To Lunar Industries" - The star of this rather atmospheric and harrowing score (especially if you've seen the movie) is the tuneful piano piece. Despite there being a lot more going on in the track, it's easy to pick out and enjoy using the 32 Ohm Beyerdynamic DT770 Pros. These headphones are famed for their spiky upper midrange, and I think this does wonders to the piano. The deep, rumbling bass that they're capable with on the Magni is also great here.

  • Rihanna: "Shut Up And Drive" - This song was wonderfully dynamic and spacious through the Denon AH-D7000. The bass is very powerful and deep, but nothing uncharacteristic of these headphones. The midrange and vocals are utterly unaffected by any of this bass power - remaining as clean, bold and as clear as more neutral sounding headphones like the Sennheiser HD600. The highs sparkle really nicely, without emphasising much sibilance.

A quick shot of some amazing open back headphones that I used with the Modi & Magni. A more detailed comparison between this bunch is coming soon.


The materials of both the Modi and Magni are lovely, thick sheets of nicely finished metal. It's simple, but the little design flourishes at the bottom feel like minimalist style rather than bare minimum. The machined holes on the top of the amp look great too, and the two-tone coloured all metal chassis is really strong and pretty. All in all, this is a rather unusual level of quality to find for this price. It seems like you're benefiting from the experience that Schiit have gained from much higher priced models. 

The metal volume dial is nice and smooth to turn and with little channel imbalance low down. The only downside is it can be a little fiddly with sensitive headphones to get the desired volume. I never quite understood why these dials are made with grooves going around the cylinder, but I'm sure that's personal taste more than anything else. I would rather have something that aids with grip rather than feels like a finely machined screw, but that's me struggling to find fault where there probably isn't much at all.

I would also feel I was nit-picking if I mentioned the plastic headphone socket. I am fine with a few corners being cut to give a better price / performance ratio if it doesn't hurt anyone. One area that I will bring up as an annoyance, however, is the piercing white LED lights that tell you the devices are on, they're extremely bright. In the case of the Magni it's not too bad because you can switch the player off, but with the Modi there is no way to get it to go off while it's connected to some systems. My main setup for the Schiit combo was a desktop computer in my bedroom, where the motherboard powers the USBs at all times. I ended physically unplugging the USB cable from the Modi every night because the light was lighting up my room, after a week it wound me right up. I know, I'm complainy bitch, so make of that 'worst complaint' what you will.


Final Thoughts

I've been smitten by the Modi and Magni combo ever since I hooked them up to my computers. I love the looks, the form factor and the build quality. The sound is beautifully dynamic, superbly detailed and extremely spacious. They manage to push the sound in the right direction with almost every pair of headphones that I throw at them. The power and performance they possess is highly impressive considering their modest price and I would not hesitate to recommend them to anyone who is looking for a dedicated headphone rig at this price.

Posted March 2013

by Edd

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